• Theatre Exams SUCCESS

    The school undertook an number of exams at differing ages and genre, Theatre, Gym, Ballet, Tap and Modern. Following the exam the pupils commented on how lovely the examiner was and how enjoyable the day was. This was reflected in the results well done everyone you should be very proud of your achievements. Attached is…

  • Blackpool 2017

    Another enjoyable weekend spent in Blackpool competing at the IDTA Nationwide Classical and Modern Sequence Dance competition. Four competitors from the school did themselves proud, competing to very high standards, two finals with a third and fifth position. Just want to say well done to all and the hard work begins for Blackpool 2018. Some…

  • Theatre School Exams

    On Saturday the 28th January a number of pupils from the school attended the schools theatre ,tap and ballet exam session, lots of hard work and preparation resulted in our very young students attending their first exam and achieving their rosettes, The older students achieving Distinctions in Grade 1 Tap and Primary Ballet,and Prep Theatre…