2023 Saturday night social dancing dates, members of A&M Dancing and non-members are welcome to socialise with friends and family dancing the night away and trying those dance steps and routines in Ballroom, Latin, Modern and Classical Sequence dances held at Rayne Village Hall, Gore Road, Rayne
Commencing at 7.30pm till 10.30pm, entry £7.00 per person in advance and £7.50 on the door.
- January 14th
- February 4th
- March 4th
- April 1st
- May 6th
- June 10th
- July 1st
- August 5th
- October 14th
- November 11th
- Christmas Dance December 2nd
All are welcome, please bring along refreshments, nibbles and a smile, place them in your diaries for safe keeping.